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January 1st: Spirit of Revelation

A Spirit of Revelation brings understanding to what we are reading, listening, and feeling. Many people read but don’t seek to understand the verses and scriptures. God is a God of understanding, and intentionally, therefore we must seek to understand the hidden vail behind the scriptures. You don’t randomly stumble on a diamond or ruby; you must dig for it. Through the Leadership of the Holy Spirit, we can receive a Spirit of Revelation. The purpose? We must go deeper than ankle depth understanding. Through our interpretations, we can be guided by the Holy Spirit to know the areas within our hearts that Jesus wants to heal, set free, address, correct, etc. We must be humble to receive.

Verses to read:

Ephesians 1:17-19, James 3:13, James 1:5, Philippians 1:9-10, Isaiah 11:2

Prayer for day one:

Holy Spirit, lead me to know Jesus better, lead me in the fullness of your love to know you through the scriptures. Illuminate the hidden things of the Word that haven't been unveiled to me. Through these 21 days of prayer and fasting, grant me a spirit of revelation to see, to know what you desire me to know that’s from your heart. Holy Spirit, help me in this time not to shy away from the areas you want to convict, yet give me strength to approach you in my weakness. Amen.

Song for Day One: Fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11)- Live by Mercy Culture



January 2nd: Spirit of Humility  

When you think of Jesus and His character, what is your first thought?

Christ had humility. This attribute that Christ obtained is not an excluded characteristic that is unattainable, yet it is a required characteristic that all Christians ought to obtain. Yet the absence of humility is pride. Pride exalts itself, boasts in its ability, and disregards anyone but itself. How have we neglected humility in our marriages, relationships, work life, etc? Humility is the bloom of servanthood, and we know Christ came to [1]serve therefore, we must be imitators of Christ and the humility he has.

Verses to read:

Matthew 11:29, Colossians 3:12, Mark 10:45, Ephesians 5:1-2 Matthew 20:28, Philippians 2:1-11

Prayer of a Spirit of Humility:

Lord, highlight the areas of pride within my heart towards people and towards you. Please give me strength to leave my pride at the Cross and to pick up my cross. Wrap me in a cloak of Humility, sow my heart into a heart of Humility and in love to say Your will be done, not mine. Amen.

Songs for day two: Jesus Increase by Mercy Culture Worship PresencePower Glory (Acoustic) by Citipointe Worship & Chardon Lewis


January 3rd: Spirit of Servanthood

Servanthood is an overlooked necessity in the Christian life because it isn't pretty, yet it isn't about how we feel, it's about Christ being magnified. Have you said: “That’s not my job, or someone else will do it”? We must remember that even our actions can display Christ, and in a world where it's all about “me, me, me,” we must show Christ however it looks like. Now, this isn't about allowing people to manipulate you into doing what they want. That is not from God! This is about serving people and the church body with a boundary of love. We can honor God by having a boundary of our time and efforts when serving people at church or work because we serve from a place of strength dependent on the Lord.

Verses to read:

John 3:30, Luke 22:27, Philippians 2:7, Ephesians 5:21, Colossians 3:17

Prayer for day three:

Jesus' merciful father, thank you for being the Divine Servant. Help me be clothed in servanthood, help me to serve you, the church body, my marriage, family, everyone who is around me better! I desire that they would see Christ in me! Help me not to form a heart of offense but love and compassion ready to serve, ready to radiate Christ. Help me to have boundaries of love and honor. Amen.


January 4th: Sensitivity to The Holy Spirit

The role of the Holy Spirit is significant in the life of a believer. He convicts the heart in mercy, yet He comforts. Not only does He convict, but He empowers. This dunamis' power could be hidden because we might have neglected the Holy Spirit’s role in our life. Every believer has The Holy Spirit, but do we walk in that power? Jesus [2]baptizes us in the Holy Spirit and in power. Jesus has given us authority, but the Holy Spirit empowers us. Our dependency on the Holy Spirit requires us to empty our earthly thinking and yield to the heavenly perspective.

Verses to read:

Ephesians 4:30-32, Romans 8:1-39

Prayer for day four:

Holy Spirit, I wanna know you throughout my day, help me to know your heart for me. If I have grieved you, I’m sorry. Fill me with dunamis power, help me not to be afraid because you are a comforter and gentle. Fill me with your fire, Jesus baptize me in the power of your Spirit, guide me in the power you desire me to have, help me to be sensitive if you want me to pray for anyone, lead me, govern my steps, establish me in peace. Amen. ** Sit in silence before Him; don’t think about your day, just remain quietly before Him for a brief moment**

January 5th: Active Faith

Imagine Jesus walking down this dimly lit alley surrounded by people who are kicking up the dust in the streets of Jerusalem. He begins to scan the crowd and notices a young man sitting. Turns out the young man doesn't see Christ because he is blind, yet Christ sees him. Jesus stretches out His arm and touches this young man. The manifest presence heals this young man. This is active faith! We carry light in the dark alleys of the world; we cannot be passive and walk by those who need hope or healing. It is a step of faith guided by the Holy Spirit, who empowers us! It doesn't matter about your age, race, or economic status. All that matters is if you are willing! So are you willing?

Verse to read:

James 2:14-26, Isaiah 6:8

Prayer for day five:

Here I Am, Lord, send me! Help me, Jesus, to become a doer of the Word, not to pass up on an opportunity to be a Hope Proclaimer. Holy Spirit, empower me and give me a Spirit of Boldness to approach anyone in full confidence that you are leading me and directing me. I ask that you would not only help me be active by praying for people but also help me to be a doer of the Word in my marriage, friendships, work life, etc. I would love and treat those as you see them, give me new eyes! Fortify my faith in the confidence of your love! Convict my heart when I treat those in an earthly manner rather than in a heavenly manner. Help me to see how you see! Amen.

January 6th: Forgiveness

Forgiveness is an untouched area in many lives; it is a sore spot, yet Christ can heal any wound or scar. It could be towards a parent, spouse, family member, etc. It's not saying what they did was okay, yet it is releasing them from the pain they caused you and from the mental prison we hold them in. Christ still paid the price for them to be freed, so why should we hold them bound in a mental prison when we have been bought with the same price? Forgiveness is found in the nature of God; therefore, we must forgive as He forgave us.

Verses to read:

Matthew 6:14-15, Ephesians 4:32, Matthew 18:21-22, Proverbs 19:11

Prayer for day six:

Before praying, who comes to mind? What memory?

I need your help to forgive _________. I can’t do this on my own, strengthen my heart, Jesus, because this weight is too much for me to carry. I know your burden is light, so help me to put on yours not mine. I release _______ from the pain/ memory they have caused me. Heal my mind and my heart in this moment from the pain, comfort me, Holy Spirit, and reveal to me Jehovah-Rapha (The Lord Who Heals) how you want to heal me. Strengthen me throughout my day in Jesus’ name. Amen.

January 7th: Receiving the Mind of Christ pt.1

The mind of Christ is not an unattainable standard but a reality we can embrace. The mindset Paul discusses is that we ought to think from a heavenly perspective fixated upon the Kingdom of Heaven! His nature is within our reach, not distant or unattainable. We are able to know His character. Therefore, we can know His nature. The mind of Christ approaches earthly circumstances from the heavenly realm. As we are [3]seated in Christ, we have access to God directly to know what to do. So, how do you respond when you get angry, bitter, annoyed, or irritated? How do we respond to our spouses, loved ones, and coworkers? This is not about heart perfection but heart purity.

Verses to read:

1 Corinthians 2:16, Romans 12:2, Ephesians 4:23-24

Prayer for day seven:

I know this isn't about perfection, God, so help my heart and mind not to view this as being perfect yet guide my heart and mind into how you view me. I lay my emotions at the cross. I surrender my whole heart and mind to pick up your heart and your mind. I ask that you would strengthen me and think how you would approach any circumstance that you're the leader and I am the follower! It's about you! Give me the mind of Christ, Holy Spirit! Amen.


January 8th: Receiving the Mind of Christ pt.2

When we put on the mind of Christ, God will give us opportunities to think and approach situations. As we journey this out, we must take our thoughts captive. Anxiety, depression, narcissism, victim mentality, etc. These things must be gripped by our ability to control our thoughts by handing them over to Christ. We must approach God with an open hand, not closed. It depends on our ability to trust God in the deepest depths of our minds. We must take them captive and rebuke thoughts that could be influenced by the enemy. Sometimes, we give the devil too much credit, so we must take responsibility by taking our thoughts captive.

Verses to read:

2 Corinthians 10:5, Philippians 4:8, Colossians 3:1-2, Proverbs 3:5-6, Isaiah 55:8-9

Prayer for day eight:

Jesus, I need you, I am done allowing my mind to run rampant. I rebuke depression and anxiety (whatever you feel) in the mighty name of Jesus. You have no power over my mind! Jesus, I trust you with my thoughts, I cast them onto you to heal my mind and reveal how you think of me. Train my mind in the word and your love! Give me the strength to know how to take my thoughts captive and help me to throw them onto you when it is hard to do so. Lord, I can't do this on my own, so as I draw near to you, draw near to me. Amen.


January 9th: A Heart of Hunger

We must become a people after His heart, and to do that, we need a new hunger to behold God, to seek, to run after Him with no hindrances. The bread of life never gets stale; there is never a shortage of bread, and there is no expiration date. There’s an abundance of bread waiting to be eaten, waiting to be shared, and to break with fellow believers. It takes active faith and obedience that is sensitive to the Holy Spirit. We must cry out to God for Him to create a new hunger that only he can satisfy! A hunger that is formed out of love for God.

Verses to read:

Matthew 5:6, Psalm 42:1-2, Psalm 63:1, Psalm 107:9, Jeremiah 29:13

Prayer for day nine:

Thank you for everything you’ve done for me! I just want more of you, so create in me a hunger that only you can fill. Let my heart become like a child who is so eager to be with you, where I can't go a day, an hour without reading, worshipping, praying, or praising you because you deserve everything I have to offer! Create a thirst for your word like never before, where I am completely captivated by your glory and the splendor of your love. Amen.

Songs for day nine:  Only You by Beau Maddox,      You Deserve It All (Live in Anaheim, California) by Jeremy Riddle


January 10th: Unity

There is a divine unity found in the Trinity, yet is it found among us? Division is the absence of unity, which leads to dysfunction. Yet, when we come to know Christ, we discover divine unity, which is embodied in the person of Jesus. Where have we lacked unity in the church body? From selfish ambition? Ego? What about our marriages? Our friendships? Those who sow in division cause confusion, since God, is not the author of confusion, we must proclaim unity of the Spirit and a believer. We must become unified in worship, in spirit, in love, and in mind. Our goals must be aligned, which is to seek Christ!

Verses to read:

Psalm 133:1, John 17:20-21, Ephesians 4:3-6, 1 Corinthians 1:10, Philippians 2:1-2

Prayer for day ten:

Teach me how to become unified in marriage and friendships (whatever you feel) teach me how to become unified in spirit, deepen my heart in the knowledge that The Father, The Son, and The Spirit are divinely united by love, so Jesus unite my heart in love. Mend the areas of my heart I have neglected to address come and bring unity within my mind to have your mind! Jesus, I wanna know everything about you, so Holy Spirit bring me closer to Jesus! Amen.


January 11th: Strength in Our Weakness

What areas are we weak in that God wants to provide strength in, but we hide from Him? Where are we weak? God knows the areas, yet He will not force us to hand over our weakness, He desires us to approach Him with open hands. Willing to hand over our hidden sin, our attitudes, emotional issues, etc. We can approach God in shame because He removes the shame and guilt. Our weakness doesn't make Him angry; He isn't like our earthly fathers. He is gentle at heart, compassionate, and slow to anger. He desires to have our weakness because He knows we cannot live life on our own accord.

Verses to read:

2 Corinthians 12:9-10, Isaiah 40:29-31, Matthew 26:41, Galatians 5:17

Prayer for eleven:

I know I don't have to approach you in perfection, help me not to fall into the temptation to get angry, to sin, to shy away from shame or guilt. Yet Lord, help me to come to you in my weakness, that I would know you won’t leave me in the shame of the past but that you renew me. So I give you _________ (insert weakness), and I trust you with it. In Jesus name, amen.

Songs for day elven: Completely Abandoned (Feat. Matthew Harris) [Chapel Sessions] by Gateway Worship       I Need you (Feat. Zac Rowe) [Chapel Sessions] by Gateway Worship 


January 12th: Authentic Worship

When you worship, what does it look like? Standing still? Singing? When you praise God, do you clap? Don't you think Jesus deserves more than a hand clap of praise? We ought to become like Mary; she emptied everything she had before Him. Her authenticity is something we ought to be desperate for. Why? We are going to be worshipping God for eternity, so we might as well start now. Worshipping God depends on how we view God and how deep our love for Him is.

Verses to read:

John 12 1-7, Psalm 100:2, Psalm 47:1

* Today, you are encouraged to dance, to sing a song guided by your love for God, do something different other than what you're used to*

Prayer for the twelfth:

Thank you for giving me the ability to express my love for you, Jesus! Help me to love and to express my love for you better. Thank you for the country, too!  Thank you for giving me a voice to shout my love and my hands to glorify you! Deepen my love for you, and if I view you incorrectly, then Holy Spirit, correct my heart how I need to view Jesus! Amen.

Songs for the twelfth: Your Love is Alive by Housefires                        God Is So Good (Feat. Pat Barrett) [ Live] by Housefires 


January 13th: Dwelling In His Rest

The rest of God is a place of peace, comfort, renewed strength, joy, and order. Resting in God means we view Him as our provider, He is our source of rest. How do we find rest when we need to finish working, serving others, etc? We must do what Jesus did: He withdrew to a place of solitude. Christ withdrew to be prepared for the Father’s Will and to renew His strength. When we dwell within His courts, He invites us deeper into His house. All we must do is trust His leadership to lead us into a place of renewed strength.

* Today’s emphasis is to dwell in an extra amount of time with the Lord, to read, worship, and pray.*

Verses to read:

Matthew 11:28-30, Psalm 23 1:1-6, Psalm 62:1-2, Psalm 37:7

Prayer for the thirteenth:

Thank you for the eternal rest you provide, but Lord, I need rest here on Earth. I need you. Help me to find rest in you to cast my burdens that are too heavy. You lift the heavy load! You're so good to me! Renew my strength during my fast, help me to withdraw from my day-to-day to be with you, just you. Amen

Song for the thirteenth: Nothing Else by Cody Carnes


January 14th: Physical Healing

There was the young man working in a parking lot, through his sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, he approached an older man hunched over, wheeling away in one of those electric scooters. He asked, “Can I pray for you, for your back?” the older man said, “Yes”. He prayed, and the older man began to slowly stand up, and to both of their astonishment, he was healed in a parking lot. “The doctors said I would never be able to stand up straight again! I’ve been hunched over for 5 years”. God’s ability to physically heal the hurting has no limitations; He seeks those willing to be a doer in their faith. Do you know someone who needs physical healing? Let's proclaim by faith they will be healed!

Verses to read:

Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24, James 5:14-15, Matthew 8:1-4, Matthew 9:18

Prayer for the fourteenth:

I know you know ___________ (insert the person who needs healing), so by faith, I proclaim through the authority you’ve given me that sickness, pain, and discomfort must GO in Jesus name! By His stripes ________ you are healed. Reveal your grace and mercy to _________ by healing them today, Jesus! I call out depression, anxiety, cancer, arthritis, and back pain in our church body that you would begin to show your love for them today by healing them! In Jesus’ name, Amen.


January 15th: Interceding for The Lost

As Christians, we know Christ is interceding for us, yet those who do not know Him don't know Christ cares, died, and loves them. It is our job to intercede for the family members, coworkers, spouses, and those in our community in our nation. We must pray that God would draw man unto Himself, that those prodigal sons and daughters will come running back! That they would be greeted with a ring and robe, as we were. Christ died for all, and even for those who are still wandering, we must become a light upon a hill.

Verses to read:

John 12:32, Luke 15:1-32

Prayer for the fifteenth:

Thank you, Jesus, for leaving the 99 to find me, thank you for embracing me, you are far too wonderful for me, gracious, are you, Jesus! Thank you for giving me a ring and robe. I call forth those who have a hardened heart that your Holy Spirit would break the stone and living waters would spring up! Spring up undeniable wells for those who are lost to drink from! Draw mankind onto yourself; I call out the prodigal sons and daughters to return to your heart. Help us as a church to welcome those who are far off from the path of righteousness, yet you are so near! Let the nearness of God be hasty to sweep the lost in the splendor of your love! Amen.

Songs for the fifteenth: Prodigal by River Valley AGES

January 16th: Praise Assembly pt.1

Our church body has been through a lot in the past year, but our God is so faithful, He has led us through the wilderness season! Praise Assembly is a beacon of hope in Beaufort, yet we must not allow our light to dim. Even in the hard days, He is still interceding for us and leading us. He is praying for us, church!! Therefore, we must intercede for our church body as well as the light it shines for Beaufort. As we journey this fast, remember you’ve got this, and we are becoming a house of Prayer!

Verses to read: Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25, Isaiah 56:7

Prayer for the sixteenth:

Thank you for leading our church body so well, Lord, you are so faithful. Trustworthy are your works!! I know you haven't forgotten about Praise, help me not to fall into the temptation to believe you’re done. Lead our church in your Will, Father, not ours, lead us to be a bright light shining for those prodigal sons and daughters to return. Make us into a house of prayer, where the zeal for your house consumes us. Help us to have your heart, not a man's heart but The Son of Man’s heart. In Jesus name, amen.

Songs for day sixteen:  Good Shepherd (feat. Amanda Bell) by UPPERROOM & Brett Bell


January 17th: Praise Assembly pt.2

The leaders of our church have been working so hard to shepherd us in what looks like uncertainty, yet God is still God when the waters of uncertainty start to swell up in our boat. We are not submitting to the waves; we are calling on the author of the waves! Let us surround not only our leaders in prayer but also call forth new volunteers to serve Him in humility so that our church body and leaders would be unified in one mind, one heart, and one spirit to serve Christ and Christ alone.

Verses to read:

1 Timothy 2:1-2, Proverbs 21:1

Prayer for the seventeenth

Spring up new hearts to serve you in our church not out of obligation but in admiration for you, Jesus. Give our leaders your mind and your heart, lead them, direct them!

Jesus, prepare our hearts, minds, and spirit for the pastor you desire to lead us into the promised land. We call forth unity and humility in our church body so that whoever the new pastor is will be governed by the Spirit. Prepare their heart to lead us, strengthen him, and direct his steps on a path of righteousness and peace. Amen.


January 18th: Next Generation

The next generation is facing a multitude of outlets that are not from God. They are facing identity crises, mental issues, drug abuse, nicotine, sexual idolatry, etc. We are in the hour when right is wrong and wrong is right. God is still in control! It might not seem like it, yet He is still in our boat, but we don't have to wake Him up! Let us not slumber in this hour instead, let us become approachable in gentleness when the next generation asks us questions that seem intimidating, they aren't to Him. We need to be there, ready for our children and their friends, ready to proclaim Christ in gentleness.

Verses to read:

Psalm 139:13-14, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 12:2, Mark 4:37-39

*Pray scripture over the next generation*

Prayer for the eighteenth:

You have created everyone in your image, so I, in the mighty name of Jesus, say to those who are battling an identity crisis that they would know who they were created by!

Give them strength to know the past self is not more powerful than the new self! Redeem their minds and wrap them in confidence that they are a New Creation in YOU! Amen.

January 19th:  Make Us Ready

A theme we see in the New Testament is the Bridegroom Theme. Jesus is coming back for His bride, and we are grafted into the family of God. Be encouraged today! Christ will return! Are we letting our oil lamps burn? Our reverence for Christ must be deepened into our Fear of The Lord. The bridegroom is coming, and through us praying and preparing our hearts for His return, we must not forget those who haven't been grafted into the family of God. This is not about being perfect.

Verses to read:

Matthew 25:1-13, Revelation 19:7-9, Matthew 9:15

Prayer for the nineteenth:

Jesus develop in me a heart and mind that has a deeper reverence towards your second coming and just who you are. Help me to become like a watchman of the tower, waiting in prayer with my lamp lit. Help me not to count my faults to be ready, just guide me in your beauty. Prepare your bride to be ready!

Songs for the nineteenth: Make Us Ready by Harvest

January 20th: Attuning My Spirit to God’s Voice

Jesus still speaks, heals, leads, sets free, and redeems. The voice of God is found in the stillness of the heart. It is hard to remain and be comfortable in silence, but He is there. Jesus, as we have read, went to spend time with the Father in solitude. Do you think He talked to the Father without allowing Him to speak? How many times have we left the presence feeling good just because we talked instead of listening? Jesus values silence just as much as we love talking to Him.

Verses to read:

1 Kings 19:9-12, Psalm 46:10, Lamentations 3:25-28, John 10:4-5

Prayer for day twenty:

Jesus, speak to me in this moment and reveal what you want to say to me

*Remain in stillness before the Lord, just silence*

Lord, continue to speak to me, whisper in my heart today. I want to know what you think of me. I ask that you help me to find you in silence and in stillness. Speak to the hearts that haven't yet heard your voice. Holy Spirit, lead those who are far off from you to know Jesus. Amen.


January 21st: Seal Everything in Your Spirit

Congrats!! You've done it! This fast has broken generational curses, mindsets, heart issues, and many more things. We have taken ground for Christ to enter in! Warring in the Spirit through fasting and prayer takes a lot out of you, so please be careful when eating whole foods again. Praise Assembly family, we are about to see the fruits of our labor in prayer!

Verses to read:

2 Corinthians 1:21-22

*This verse talks about how the Holy Spirit seals our salvation in Christ, that the Spirit is the down payment of our inheritance. By faith, we are proclaiming everything we have done for God, Holy Spirit seals our labor*

Prayer for the twenty-first:

Thank you for helping me through this fast, Father! I could not have done it without your leadership and strength. By faith, I ask that you would seal these things by your Spirit, your Spirit alone. In Jesus’ name, amen.


[1] Matthew 20:28

[2] Matthew 3:11

[3]  Ephesians 2:6


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